Interview Canvas
Prepare for Success
The Behavioural or Fit Interview is a common component of the hiring process. Regardless of your skills and competencies, your performance as Interviewer or Candidate can still make a dramatic difference between success and failure.
I developed the InterviewCanvas series of tools based on my experience coaching candidates and hiring managers to improve their interview performance.
While there are many great books and web resources on the subject, I could not find a simple tool to guide either party through the minimum preparation for a professional interview. So I built these tools.
The InterviewCanvas is work-in-progress. Your feedback is the main source of further development, so please send me your comments in the feedback box below.
Please contact me for commercial, training or educational use of the InterviewCanvas tools. Otherwise, the InterviewCanvas is currently free to download for personal use.
InterviewCanvas for Candidates
The InterviewCanvas for candidates is now available with online training and coaching. Click here for more details
How to use the InterviewCanvas
The InterviewCanvas workshop for Candidates
This course comes in 2 parts: a group workshop and an individual, follow-up Coaching session online. Ask me for the latest schedule and prices.
Workshop formatThe 2 hour workshop can be presented live in Singapore or over Google Hangouts overseas - maximum 6 participants. It explains the elements of the Behavioural Interview, how Interviewers (Hiring Managers and HR) prepare and what they look for, what elements you can prepare for and how to do so in detail with the InterviewCanvas.
You will go through a mock interview based on your real-world objectives, your latest CV/Resumé available, and ideally a Job Description for your target role or close to what you are aiming for.
After your mock interview, you will reflect on your performance and the group will run through a structured debrief when you will learn how to:
- Prepare for your interview.
- Prepare for and answer the common types of questions.
- Prepare for the unexpected.
- Open and close the interview.
- Optimise your voice, dress and body language for interview.
- Practice some key techniques.
- Manage interview anxiety.
- Interact with your hosts.
- Follow up.
Finally, you write an action plan to prepare for your coming interviews.
Individual Coaching
The one-to-one Coaching allows you to reflect on your learning, gives you a milestone to complete your homework and a further opportunity to practice your interview technique.
Your 45 minutes one-to-one, online Coaching with Andrew can be scheduled to meet your needs: to practice before a job interview or as a milestone to complete your homework. The format is flexible, covering more theory, answering your questions or mock interview.
Who is this Workshop for?
This workshop expects that you have graduated and you will already have some work experience behind you and be looking to progress. Your objectives may include improved interview skills to progress externally or internally for promotion, or return to work following a Masters level program or
similar. You may want to use it to test your presentation of transferable skills when planning a radical movePreparation
To get the most benefit from this workshop, you should have your latest CV/Resumé available, and ideally a Job Description for your target role or close to what you are aiming for. You should have your first draft InterviewCanvas ready for the workshop.
Individual Skills Coaching
Accadence also offers Interview Skills training in a one-to-one setting either face-to-face, or over Skype or Google Hangouts. From decoding the job description to post-interview debrief, you will get the training you want tailored for your needs and practice your interview technique until you are satisfied.
Prepare by making the first draft of your InterviewCanvas ready and bring your latest CV/Resumé, and ideally a Job Description for your target role or close to what you are aiming for.
Read more about how Career Counselling works or book a call with Andrew
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